Let's stage our own play!!!
Setup phase
Workshop timeline with 5 phasesSkip to current tasks
- Setup phaseCurrent phase
- Task info The workshop is currently being set up. Please wait until it is switched to the next phase.
- Submission phase
- Task info Late submissions are allowed
- Assessment phase
- Grading evaluation phase
- Closed
It's time to write your own play!! We have the oppotunity to stage Romeo and Juliet at our school for the summer closing ceremony. So ,write a paragraph about all the things that you would like to see in this play adaptation. You need to decide which scesnes we are going to perform , which music we are going to use, what kind of play is it going to be ( a musical, a modern one, or the shakespearean adaptation) and also about the costumes,and the setting.You can take ideas from the movie abstracts that you watched or use whatever resourse you like from the internet or books.