Topic outline

  • Sense Europe

    Dear kids, 'Sense Europe' is a project that brings Europe to us to discover and sense it through different perspectives and prisms, the nine intelligences of Howard Gardner's theory. So let us all try to find out our talents and skills on this virtual trip to the 'Old Continent'! 

    (best viewed at 1280x724 pixels)

    Let's see what you already know about Europe! Using your emails we can become collaborators and add new ideas for every topic in this popplet board.

    Now let's see what you know about Multiple Intelligence. Take the test and learn which intelligence is stronger in your personality! 

  • Module 1: Rythmic Europe!

    Do things happening remind you of songs, melodies and rhymes? It's because you have a developed musical-rythmic and harmonic intelligence! Why don't you try playing a musical instrument, singing or composing music to express yourself?

  • Module 2: Step Europe!

    Can you draw, fix things and easily orientate using a map? You have a developed visual-spatial intelligence then! You visualise images and objects in colours and 3D dimensions in your mind! Be creative by fabricating things!

  • Module 3: Speak Europe

    Do you sometimes speak and speak and speak and you can't stop? Then you have a developed verbal-linguistic intelligence! You can learn languages easily, write lyrics, letters or blogs! So choose one and check yourself!

  • Module 4: Calculate Europe

    Can you easily solve mathematical problems and exercises? You've got a developed logical-mathematical intelligence then!  Why don't you try experiments, crosswords and quizzes, too? 

    Learn and Play with euros!

  • Module 5: Dance and Play Europe!

    Don't be surprised if you think or read while dancing or moving around the room! You have a developed bodily-kinesthetic intelligence that helps you express yourself through dance, sports or crafts! Express yourself by doing things!

  • Module 6: Intrapersonal Europe!

    Do you often spend hours daydreaming, interpreting and analysing things? You have a developed intrapersonal intelligence that seeks for answers. Try to explain things and make future plans. It's one of your strengths! 

  • Module 7: Interpersonal Europe!

    'Are you all ears' for other people? Do you feel sorry for people in need? You have a developed interpersonal intelligence then! You can easily step into someone else's 'shoes', a characteristic that makes you lovable and popular!

  • Module 8: Natural Europe

    Are you keen on discovering the physical phenomena and the laws of nature? So you have a developed naturalistic intelligence. You are very lucky because you will always keep contact with nature and the environment!

  • Module 9: Existential Europe

    Are you a little philosopher that seeks answers to the questions of life? Do you keep asking about God and religion? It's because you have a developed existential intelligence. Try reading some of Shakespeare's quotes to relieve your metaphysical concerns!