Watch the scene "Nothing is written" with Peter O'Toole and Omar Sharif

-El-Aurens! Truly for some men, nothing is written unless they write it!

-Not El-Aurens.  Just Lawrence.

-El-Aurens  is better.


-Your father too, just Mr. Lawrence?

-My father is Sir Thomas Chapman.

-Is that a lord?

-A kind of lord…

-And when he dies, you too will be a lord.

-No. have an elder brother.


-But then… I do not understand this. Your father’s name is Chapman…

-Ali! He didn’t marry my mother.

-I see…

-I’m sorry…

-It seems to me that you are free to choose your own name, then.

-Yes. I suppose I am.

-El-Aurens  is best.

-All right. I ‘ll settle for El-Aurens.


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Τελευταία τροποποίηση: Τρίτη, 4 Ιούνιος 2013, 7:37 μμ