-Hi, Chris.

-Mr. Frohm, good to see you.

-Nice shirt.

-Thank you, sir.

-Hey, Jay.

-Chris. Chris, sit down ,p

-I thought I'd wear
a shirt today .

, being the last day and  all.

-Well, thank you. Thank you.

We appreciate that.
But...wear one tomorrow
though, okay?
Because tomorrow's going to be your first
...if you'd like to work
here as a broker.
Would you like that, Chris?

-Yes, sir.

-Good. We couldn't be happier
So welcome
Was it as easy
as it looked?

-No, sir, it wasn't.

-Good luck Chris.

-Thank you. Thank you.

-Oh, Chris.
I almost forgot

-Thank you.

This part of my life...

... this little part...

...is called "happiness"


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Τελευταία τροποποίηση: Τρίτη, 4 Ιούνιος 2013, 11:32 μμ