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Biodiversity guide

Read the book in the previous topic and let's try to make a new one, each one adding a page in it.

Course: Sense Europe
Book: Biodiversity guide
Printed by: Guest user
Date: Saturday, 21 September 2024, 11:48 AM

1. Let's discover the forest!

In the European forests .......

1.1. Forest animals

The animals that live in the European forests are .....

1.2. Forest plants and trees

The plants and trees of the European forests are ....

2. Let's discover the river!

In the European rivers ....

2.1. River animals

The animals of the European rivers are ....

2.2. River plants and trees

The plants and trees of the European rivers are ....

3. Let's discover the mountain!

In the European mountains ....

3.1. Mountain animals

The animals of the European mountains are ...

3.2. Mountain plants and trees

The mountain plants and trees are ....